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Investigadores (m/f) (29-05-13)


Universidade do Minho

Call for Researchers to Join Centre for Textile Science and Technology (2C2T)
PhD Students/Postdoctoral Fellows 
We are looking for highly motivated people holding a University degree and MS or PhD in the areas of Textile, Material and Polymer Engineering or Biochemistry, Applied Microbiology and Bio-Nanotechnology, who are interested in applying for a doctoral or postdoctoral fellowship from FCT (call of June 2013 - http://www.fct.pt/apoios/concursos) in the area of Materials Chemistry, Engineering and Biological modification/functionalization of materials.

Some research topics of special interest are:

- Nanoparticles-immobilized enzymes assembled in multilayer polyelectrolytes for medical and environmental porpoises

- Multifunctional textiles using enzymes and nanoparticles to enhanced surfaces properties such as superhydrophobic, superoleophobic, antimicrobials, self-cleaning and UV-blocking.

- Enhanced Plasma materials functionalization

- Enzymatic modification of lignocellulosic, cellulosic and synthetic materials

Applicants must be fluent in English, and should have previous experience in biological or physical materials functionalization and characterization or nanotechnology. 
Applicants interested in doctoral projects should have a University degree score of at least 16 (out of 20) and a publication is welcome.
For Pos-doc projects at least two publications are required.

A motivation letter, a curriculum vitae and at least one reference letter (the names and contacts of other referees are valued) should be sent until 10th June to: azille@det.uminho.pt

2C2T - Centre for Textile Science and Technology
University of Minho, Textile Engineering Department
e-mail: azille@det.uminho.pt


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