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Técnicos de Laboratório (m/f) (30-05-13)



A RANDSTAD recruta para prestigiada empresa cliente do sector automóvel Técnicos de Laboratório.

Detailed description of skills:
- Lab technicians reporting to one Production Specialist working on rotative daily shifts, 1st shift and 2nd shift
- Good general computer skills
- Minimum 12 years of school, preferentially in Mechanics field

Detailed description of services to be provided:
- Collect samples of coils or blanks to make mechanical tests
- Perform and evaluate mechanical tests of coils
- Perform mechanical tests of material on stamping or other area
- Input mechanical tests and several data into database – Module DPress Material Laboratory
- Send mechanical reports of critical material to production lines
- Follow up material with quality concerns on cutting and stamping production lines
- Perform quality reports after concerns analysis
- Follow up tryouts of material on production lines
- Make Initial Sample Reports of steel material
- Keep specifications integrity on database DPress
- Correct invalid mechanical tests and keep the integrity of database
- Input Steel Quality Certificates on database DPress Laboratory
- Input Steel Identification Coil Labels on database DPress Laboratory
- Input scrap tickets on files for steel suppliers and on database DPress after rejection of material
- Make steel rejections of coils, blanks, parts and assys with defects
- Attend steel suppliers on evaluation of defects on monthly meetings
- Prepare / cut samples of material with defects to send to steel suppliers
- Follow up blocked material for rejection or reprocessing
- Make weekly and monthly reports of blocked material
- Follow up of internal / external audits of Quality Systems
- Check calibration timings of laboratory equipments and make internal calibration
- Make shipment of laboratory equipment that needs external calibration or to repair
- Check coil labels identification after cutting and archiving
- Scrap broken bones on mechanical tests
- Operates all equipment of material laboratory
- Computer skills on database DPress, Laboratory and Planning modules, production system PRESS II and logistic system LOGIS
- Maintenance and clean laboratory equipment and room

Se está interessado nesta oferta de emprego envie o seu CV para o e-mail:

indicando a referência "TÉCNICO DE LABORATÓRIO".

(publicado em www.net-empregos.com a 29-05-13)
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