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Assistant Researcher - Investigador Auxiliar (m/f)(24-07-13)


Universidade do Minho

University of Minho - Centre of Biological Engineering, IBB - Associate Laboratory
Open Call for an Assistant Researcher (Investigador Auxiliar) under the Project ERC “Novel Anaerobes”
The Centre of Biological Engineering (www.CEB.uminho.pt), University of Minho, Portugal, a member of the IBB – Associate Laboratory, opens a call for an Assistant Researcher under the Project “Novel Anaerobes”, funded by the European Research Council (ERC advanced grant attributed to Professor Alfons Stams)
The position will be attributed under the following conditions:

    Scientific Research Field: Environmental biotechnology


    Application requirements: The candidate must have a PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering or other similar areas. Background in anaerobic biotechnology and microbiology and experience with general microbiological techniques are required. We look for a motivated, enthusiastic, creative, skilful and hardworking person, with excellent communication skills (oral and written) in English. A Post-Doctoral research experience of at least two years and at least 5 articles in the scientific research field indicated above, as well as excellent reading, writing and comprehension skills in English are mandatory. Failure to comply with any of these requirements will result in the elimination of the applicant. The successful candidate should display evidence of managerial skills, independent research and significant scientific accomplishments and a strong publication record.

3.     Work Plan: The candidate will be involved in the study of anaerobic conversion of lipids and long chain fatty acids and will look at different aspects involving the isolation of new microorganisms, the respective physiological and kinetic characterization, and the metabolic pathways. Areas of future concern might include the study and identification of functional and phylogenetic genes, application of array technology and introduction of proteomics technology.
4.     Place of work: Research activities will be developed at CEB – Centre of Biological Engineering (www.ceb.uminho.pt) building of the University of Minho in Campus de Gualtar – Braga

    Monthly Amount: Salary before taxes will be in the order of 3 191.82 Euros per month.


    Legislation: The contract will be written according to the Portuguese current legislation on fixed term contracts and University of Minho internal standards and will have a duration of 24 months, from 1st  of October 2013.


    Selection methods: Curriculum Evaluation and Interview. The evaluation criteria for each method is as following:

A. Curriculum Evaluation (Weighting: 70%)
A.1. Academic qualifications
A.2. Research Experience under the project scope
B. Interview (Weighting 30%)
B.1. Professional and behavioural skills.
The candidates will be classified with a scale of 1 to 20 for each criterion, and candidates classified with a score below 15 in the Curriculum Evaluation will not be admitted to the Interview.

    Jury Panel: Prof. Alfons Stams (President); Prof. Madalena Alves and Prof. Alcina Pereira. Alternative members: Prof. Eugénio Ferreira, and Prof. Teresa Tavares.


    Form of advertising /notification of results: The final evaluation will be published through the list ordered according to final score and the successful candidates will be notified by e-mail.

10. Documents: Motivation letter (maximum one A4 page), copy of the Certificate of Academic Degree(s), detailed Curriculum Vitae and Letter(s) of support and the names and contacts of two senior researchers that can act as possible scientific references.
11. Period of application: The Application should be submitted (using the Fellowship Reference: IA – ERC) from the 1st to the 30th of August, by e-mail to madalena.alves@deb.uminho.pt  or ordinary mail to:
University of Minho
A/C Prof Madalena Alves
Department of Biological Engineering
Campus de Gualtar
4715-057 Braga Portugal
The applications that do not include all the elements indicated will not be considered.

(disponível em www.eracareers.pt a 24-07-13)

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