Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
The application for a Postdoctoral fellowship is open under the Project PTDC/SAU-IMU/120673/2010, called “Drosophila antiviral immunity to oral infection”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
1. Duration: The Fellowship will have the duration of 3 months, starting on 01.10.2013, in exclusiveness regime, as regulated by the human resources of FCT ( and fellowships regulation of Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (
2. Subject of Activities: Purification and characterization of antiviral antibodies. Determination of tissues with viral replication after oral infections. The successful candidate will join a team of several members of the lab in this project.
3. Scientific Orientation: Luís Teixeira – Host-microorganism interactions.
4. Selecting Criteria: PhD in Biology or related areas. Experience in Drosophila genetics, molecular biology, antibody production and immunocytochemistry. It is essential that the candidate is able to work in a team.
5. Month Stipend: According the regulations of the FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal (€1495.00/month).
6. Application Documents: Letter of Motivation, Curriculum Vitae, and contacts of two previous supervisors, should be sent in one PDF file, by e-mail, with subject “Bolsa de Pós-doutoramento Imunidade antiviral”, to Luís Teixeira (
7. Selection Procedure: CV and motivation letter (50%). The best candidates will be called for interview (50%).
8. Selection Juri: President: Luis Teixeira. Other members: Álvaro Gil Ferreira e Catarina Carmo. Substitutes: Oscar Ruiz e Vasco Barreto
9. Form of advertising / notification of results: The assessment results will be sent to all candidates by email and to FCT.
10. Application Period: From 26-08-13 until 20-09-13
(disponível em a 27-08-13)
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