CIBIO - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genético
Pursuant to law n° 40/2004, of August 18 and regulation of research grants and support to the management of the Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, leads to the knowledge of those concerned that open thecontest for the award of a research fellowship for Master (BI), in the scientific areas of the Biological Sciences - Genetics of Seaweed, for performance of duties in the research project, ref PTDCMAR1146132009 "Biodiversity of macro-algae under a molecular vision-for a better understanding of the Biogeography of the North Atlantic", financed by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, I.P.) under the following conditions:
1. Grant duration: The Grant has duration of 12 (twelve) months, with the possibility of an elongation, starting from May 1, 2013, in exclusivity, as regulation of advanced training of human resources of FCT, I.P. and regulation scholarship of Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso.
2. Working Plan: The workplan is embedded in a project in the area of Ecology and Evolution, implementing a DNA Barcoding approach in the investigation of the biodiversity and evolution of seaweeds occurring in the Azores in relation to other floras from strategic biogeographic regions across the North Atlantic and Western Mediterranean. The candidate will develop techniques on collection and preservation of specimens, archival, maintenance of collections, databasing molecular biology including some work editing and analyzing sequences.
3. Working Place: University of the Azores – Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos – CIBIO - Azores, Departament of Biology, sito no Campus de Ponta Delgada of University of Azores (São Miguel, Azores).
4. Scientific Orientation: The work will be conducted under supervision of Manuela Isabel Parente Cardoso.
5. Admission requirements: Are required to competitors the following requirements at the time of application:
a) Master in Biological Sciences or related fields;
b) Experience with molecular biology techniques;
c) Desire to pursue a scientific career will be a plus.
6. Montlhy Payment: The monthly payment will be of 980€ (nine hundred and eighty euros) in accordance with the table of values of research grants in the country, assigned by FCT, I.P.
7. Application documents: Applications must be accompanied by the following documentation:
a) Request addressed to the President of the jury;
b) stating that the candidate meets the conditions required for the type of fellowship - original or certified copy of the certificate of qualifications;
c) Curriculum vitae, dated and signed;
d) Motivation letter;
e) Summary of the work programme to develop;
f) Statement of scientific interests (in English);
g) Citizen Card copy of the identity card or passport.
8. Candidate selection: Applicants will be ranked by an overall assessment based on the curriculum vitae (50%), additional training and experience in the area of the project (25%) and motivation of the candidate (25%). The jury may not award the scholarship if the quality of the candidate is less than the desired.
9. Selection Commitee: The jury will be headed by Manuela Isabel Parente Cardoso (Junior researcher), the responsible of the project; Ana Cristina Matos Ricardo da Costa (Assistant Professor); Joana Filipa de Sousa Micael Pereira and JoanaRita Bogalho Teixeira Xavier (Junior researcher), the latest as a replacement.
10. Results Announcement: Final results will be na ordered candidate list published at CIBIO – Azores facilities, University of the Azores, at Ponta Delgada, and the approved candidate will be contacted by e-mail or phone. The final results will be also communicated to the remaining candidates by e-mail.
11. Applications period and requirements: Application period will be between 04th and 17th April, 2013 and the decision will be made shortly after. The same should be formalised, through application, directed to Manuela Isabel Parente Cardoso and shipped, along with the remaining documentation by mail or delivered in the University of the Azores, CIBIO-Azores, Biology Department, PO box 1422, 9501-855 São Pedro, Ponta Delgada, São Miguel, Azores. Alternatively, you can do so via e-mail to the following e-mail addresses: and
12 – Any information or document may be requested through e-mail addresses: and directed to Manuela Isabel Parente Cardoso, mentioning the project number and grant reference.
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